Sunday, May 1, 2011


I didn't just sign up for Tough Mudder thinking I could train alone and be ready. Didn't you read it? I've NEVER played a sport! I was the academic, not the athlete!

So I figured the first step is to set goals. I mean, that's what I did when I had a big school project.

I started by signing up for my first 5K race. I have no intention of winning the race, but I need to have short-term goals in order to push myself the right way.

In one month, I will be running the Chick-Fil-A 5K in our area. It's a relatively small race, and I think I can handle it.

In the few months that I've been working out, I've been able to keep a steady schedule of cardio with no goal in mind. So now, I have something to work toward. Last week, I did my normal cardio workout on the treadmill, and was able to max out at 2.4 miles in 30 minutes. I'm not so concerned about myself, but I will need to add another mile to that and cut my time. I'm improving on stamina, though. I used to jog/run for less than a minute before feeling winded.

Since cutting back on smoking, and working harder, I am now able to push myself for a straight 5 minute jog without stopping. If I could continue to do this, I should have this 5K with no problems in the next month! I'm so excited. If I can finish the 5K, I might sign up for a 10K as well for more prep for the Tough Mudder.

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