Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Revive the Blog

After almost a year, I'm going to restart my blog. Maybe it will help motivate me to stay on track for fitness and be a destressor. A friend of mine has also started a blog about her fitness journey, so being blog buddies might help.

No one really read this before, but if you come across and decide to look back, you'll see that last year I had some fitness goals and did some events. I guess this first post is a good place to recap on those.

Well, lucky me, and my non-athletic body:  I dealt with Achilles Tendonitis in BOTH feet right before the 5K in May. I was put on steroids for the two weeks prior to the race (which I gained 7 lbs on....grr) to recover, but while running I definitely suffered. I purchased gel inserts but still finished the 5K at 36ish minutes. I was disappointed in my time, but as my first race, and finishing middle-of-the-pack, I was still proud of myself. My mom even came out to take pictures and support me, which made me feel pretty good. (Also, they give out lots of freebies and ymmy snacks afterwards....can't complain)

I continued to go to the gym 3-5 times a week, and then a friend joined me in the 2011 ASYMCA 8K Mud Run in August. We were pretty pumped for some military-style obstacles, seeing as we were both doing Tough Mudder a few months later.

Let's just go ahead and say that the 8K Mud Run was more like a "Dry Sand Run with Mud at the End". Literally, of the 5 miles, I think we estimated that almost 3 miles were through dry sand. It was terrible. I think we ran through mud twice (ankle deep), waded through a ditch of water (waist/chest high), and then about 100 yards from the finish line....a giant mud mountain. I literally looked clean until then. It's safe to say my calves screamed for mercy and jumping into the Chesapeake Bay afterwards was great. But we finished, and I'm really thankful for my friend. I'm no good at working out with anyone, and I don't respond well to everyone's encouragement but Devin knows what to say and how to keep me motivated when I want to quit.

Having that out of the way was helpful, but it was nowhere near what I suffered through at Tough Mudder with my team. I'll recap the Tough Mudder in the next entry. I can't skip that.

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