After getting engaged, drooling over my ring for a while, and returning home to announce the great news, it was time to get ready for the big move. We'd already closed on the house (from 1600 miles away, might I add), and the date for moving was set for the day after Memorial Day. I had approximately 3 weeks.
I'd like to say that being unemployed for the last month of my life in VA was relaxing and fun. And it was, at times. But let's be real. I've lived in VA my entire life. I went to college 20 minutes away, and most of those years - I commuted. Even the calmest days were splattered with moments of complete confusion and fear.
"Life takes you unexpected places, Love brings you home"
- in the entryway to my new home
I never envisioned meeting a man and moving away with him. I told myself I'd never leave all I'd ever known, that I'd grow old (maybe alone) in the area I grew up in. Maybe I'd get rich and move to Williamsburg. Maybe I'd live with Grandma forever. I don't know, but moving to Texas wasn't in my "Plan".