Here I go again, trying something new. I want to try a new, more active lifestyle. I've been telling myself I'm going to get into great physical shape, but lacked the motivation to do so. So I joined a gym in February, and have been going fairly regularly. With the exception of the last two weeks, in which work was rough and I moved, I was doing cardio and small weights at least 3 times a week. I'm trying to quit smoking, and have cut back from almost a pack a day down to about 5 cigarettes a day.
It's been hard to be motivated when I don't know what the hell I'm doing. I've never played a sport, and most of my friends haven't played sports or "trained" for anything in years. So I'm starting from scratch.
But I found a little motivation. Someone mentioned to me this ridiculous challenge that they will be doing in October. Anyone heard of the Tough Mudder? I hadn't....check it out: